Hilarity Academy
Our free, fun space for young people to learn and engage in the skill of making people laugh. Workshops include learning how to tell jokes, creating sketches, writing stand up material and clowning. Sessions are for local young people in school years 3-6 or 7-9.
Where: The Cabin (Juniors), The Mulberry Hall (Seniors), St Margaret’s House, E2 9PL (Plan your visit)
Juniors (School Years 3-6): 3.45-5pm
Seniors (School Year 7 upwards): 5-6.15pm
Spring Term Dates: Monday 13th January - Monday 24th March (no session Monday 17th February)
Contact for more details: hilarity@stmargaretshouse.org.uk
Cost: FREE thanks to funding from BBC Children in Need
Please fill in the sign-up form below to register your child.
Future Term Dates:
Summer Term 2025: Monday 28th April - Monday 14th July (no session Monday 5th and 26th May)