Performance marketing toolkit

Promoting your performance - What we need from you

If your show is part of our season programme, we will list & advertise your show on our website, post about it on our social media channels, and where possible, include it in our seasonal events brochure.

To help us do this, please complete the form below, then have a look through our tips & tricks for marketing your event. In order to promote your event, we require at least the following:

  • JPEG or PNG of Production image - both a portrait and landscape version. This is the image you intend to use on the poster and flyer, no smaller than 1800 x 1200

  • 50 words blurb

  • Press release

Event marketing form

You will need to submit this form by the comms deadline provided to you by the Arts and Wellbeing producers.

Marketing tips & tricks

Promoting your show can take time and a lot of energy. If you are unsure about where to begin, here are some handy tips and tricks to get you started and keep you going!

Social media

If you don’t already follow us, find us using the profiles below.

Facebook: St. Margaret’s House

Twitter: @stmargaretsldn | Instagram:

Your Posts

Questions to ask when it comes to social media promotion:

  • Who am I targeting?

  • What else is going on in the area?

  • Who do I know that could help me share my posts more widely?

  • Do my posts include different types of content? Including different images / video / text content?

Handy hints

  • Ensure you have a range of images that are high-quality - we require images that are at least 1800 x 1200

  • Printed marketing material can be helpful - make sure you are purchasing from a sustainable supplier, and that you consider quantities carefully. We suggest 2 x A3 posters, 1 x A4 poster and 100 flyers for display across our venue, but this is not required.

  • Listing your event on local and London-wide sites will help it get seen by an interested audience. Great sites to list your event on include:

    Tower Hamlets Arts / Roman Road LDN / East London / East London Advertiser / Time Out London / Londonist / LONDNR / Made In Shoreditch /