Hens with Heart

Plan a sustainable hen party at St. Margaret’s House!

We have partnered with Hens with Heart, the first and only platform dedicated to helping hen parties do things for others, or for the good of the world, when they celebrate together. We are offering sustainable craft activities for your hen party such as:

SunnyJar Ecohub

This sustainability activity offers a variety of low-waste, environmentally conscious workshops ranging from zero-waste cooking, plastic-free gift wrapping, and eco-friendly cleaning product making.

Fast Fashion Therapy

Recycled sewing workshops encouraging the repair, up-cycling and remodelling of used clothes, looking to break our habit to always buy new. Fix holes in jeans, darn jumpers, shorten sleeves or create a new outfit from something already in the wardrobe. Your hens will leave with new skills ready to reduce their fast-fashion intake in furture. Read more about Fast Fashion Therapy here


Fun and relaxing printmaking sessions. Be guided by a professional through the basics of lino-printing, before making your very own, one-of-a-kind print!

Fix Up, Look Sharp!

In these eclectic crafting & collage workshops there’s diverse choice, such as jewellery making, headdresses & eyewear; collages; show upcycling and more! Proven fun, for a hands-on hen-do. Read more about Fix Up, Look Sharp!

Costs may vary per activity but are usually around £45 per person.