Arianne Churchman

Our third Artist in Residence, Arianne Churchman, was nominated by Lindsay Friend, Director of iMT Gallery.

Whilst resident at St Margaret’s House, Arianne worked on developing her series ‘Dream Horse Cult’ and looked at how she can broaden the scope and accessibility of the project. She held an online ‘Floral Horse Pyramid’ Visioning event, an active participatory performance piece inspired by the folk tradition of Castleton Garland Day, where an individual, covered in a large floral pyramid, is paraded around the village on a horse.

We Entered Through the Chime Line - Do Not Go Nutting on Sunday.jpg

Arianne is a London based artist whose work traverses video, performance, sound and sculpture. Her practice concerns British folklore, customs and beliefs that she uses as a material to create new ritual assemblages. She is interested in how the wonky and strange aspects of folkloric culture can be connected to create speculative futures that offer us departures from our present reality.

Arianne holds an MFA in Fine Art from the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, and a BA in Fine Art from the University of Reading. She frequently releases sound works and collaborates with the record label the Folklore Tapes and her sound works have been played on BBC Radio 3, NTS and Resonance FM. She often collaborates with other artists and musicians including Chloe Langlois, Sharron Kraus and AAS.


Frankie Roberts


Fox Irving